May || Free 52

Here's to May! It was busy. To say I am behind is an understatement....not that I'm ever actually caught up, but you know.... 

Get ready for a big share today! (and I haven't even included all of this month's freelensing!) Starting with a bit of a hodge podge and snips from our day to day. Reverse freelensing some beautiful flowers, playing at the play ground, chalk on the back driveway, some fun sites from two shoots I went on this month and some bubble fun!

(Please don't forget to scroll to the bottom to continue on in this month's freelensing circle!)

This month we also visited grandma's to see her new baby chickies!! My daughter was quite excited about this opportunity! We were also able to meet up with some cousins there!

Something that has been very exciting (to me!) is that my daughter has also started to become very willing to let me photograph her! Sometimes she tries to use it to benefit her, "Mom, I'll let you take pictures of me if you let me watch one more show" What?!?! Ha! Silly, sneaky girl! That aside, she's actually asked me to take photos of her in a field of lupines near out house for the fun of it! The most darling part, is that she also poses herself now too! This next group is all her!

With the return of the sun (finally) to the Pacific Northwest, we've been trying to get out and explore the great outdoors here. Since we moved in October and that's about the last time the sun was a common place occurrence, our explorations have been limited. On this day we explored around a kid friendly hike in the area. It was flat, pretty short and had signs a long the way telling of a field mouse and a pretzel tree. The kids had a blast running from sign to sign and looking for the plants and creatures the story told about. I, of course, forgot to take a photo of the actual pretzel tree at the end!!

Our very last exciting event this month was my little guy's third birthday!! Here are just a few from his party, which for the most part he hid from the camera, though I found him behind a chair! His little dimple and 'cheese' face after everyone sang to him was just perfectly him! I'm adding two more on at the end, they are not freelensed however, they were from another adventure we had dragging along his big "3" ballon for some three year old photos <3

THANK YOU for sticking with me if you are still reading this!! It was a doozy, I know! Hooray for summer's arrival!! Don't forget to visit Gwendolyn's page next to continue along the circle!!