Bray Family || Happy Valley Family Photographer

To say I am behind on all things photography blogging is an understatement! But I am finally blogging my friend and her sweet family!! I met this friend of mine in middle school. Middle school! I won't share how many years ago that was!! We were friends of friends, then friends, then roommates for a very large portion of college. I've seen her family grow from the two of them to 6, and have felt fortunate to have photographed her youngest, twins, at birth. Since then, I photographed the twins first birthday cake smash and now whole family photos! (the twins are two now!) We had a lovely evening out at a local park and I enjoyed my time spent with them at their house that weekend! Take a scroll through....what a beautiful family and sweet girls, right?!?!



Want to see what these sweet twins looked like at one year and newborn <3

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